Beneficial properties of natural zeolite

ZECO acts naturally!

ZECO acts 100% naturally and is free of chemical additives! Mechanical and thermal activation unfold unique beneficial properties.

  • Absorption of heavy metals, ammonia and microparticles
  • Very high thermostability
  • Accelerated decomposition of organics and better formation of humus substances
  • Biochemical processes are greatly accelerated
  • Filtration of solid, liquid, or gaseous toxic substances

Natural zeolite – is a mineral of volcanic origin which due to its extremely large surface area (400-600m2/gram), is successfully used in a wide variety of industries, such as agriculture, animal breeding, water treatment or chemical production. It is particularly characterized by its high absorption capacity as an odor binder and catalyst.

The porous structure of zeolite has a strong water-attracting effect (hygroscopic), whereby water and nutrients are stored and purified.

Among the natural zeolites, the clinoptilolite type of zeolite extracted and processed by ZECO stands out for its increased purity compared to other zeolite types, and its special properties.

From raw rock to very fine particles, zeolite retains its properties through mechanical and thermal activation in the various forms of processing. Therefore, zeolite is widely used in many industries such as animal feed production or even in products specifically designed for human use, to the petrochemical industry or the nuclear industry.

ZECO acts naturally!